Regulations, Policies and Procedures
The Governance and Regulations are published as a central and authoritative point of reference for the policies and procedures governing the academic life of 69传媒. It is anticipated that the contents of the Governance and Regulations will evolve over time. For this reason the document will be published primarily in web format, making it easier to update.
Academic appeals procedure (see also the Student Guide to Academic Appeals)
Doctoral regulations (PhD and Professional Doctorate regulations)
Research ethics regulations, procedures and guidelines
Undergraduate and Taught Postgraduate grade descriptors - see Assessment Regulations
Assistance & Support Dogs on Campus
Acceptable use of ICT and electronic resources
Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure for Students
Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP):
Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure
Unacceptable Behaviour and Complaints Handling
Equality and Diversity (Mainstreaming)
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
External Speaker Policy (recommended to be read alongside the EHRC guide on Freedom of Expression)
Fitness to Practise Policy (healthcare programmes)
Fitness to Practise Policy (Initial Teacher Education)
Inclusive Learning and Teaching
Lecture Capture Policy Summary
Personal Academic Tutoring - guide for staff
Plagiarism - Guidance for staff and students
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Student Attendance Monitoring Staff FAQs
Student Attendance Monitoring FAQs
Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy