Professor Richard Butt is the Deputy Principal and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at QMU. He is also an Ex-Officio member of the University Court.
- Overview
- Corporate Responsibilities (internal)
- Representation (External)
- Research Interests
- Research Publications
Prior to taking up the position of Deputy Principal, I was Dean of the School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management at QMU for three and half years. Prior to this I was Head of Division for Media, Communication and Performing Arts where I managed the design, development and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in film, public relations and performing arts. In all, I have over twenty years higher education experience, many years of which were spent teaching film and media undergraduate and postgraduate students, and supervising PhD students, in the areas of screen adaptation, film and television documentary, world cinema, and narrative and representation.
Having spent a year of my undergraduate degree on exchange at the University of California, Berkeley, I am a passionate advocate of the benefits of overseas study. As my career progressed, this developed into an interest in all forms of international education, including working with our collaborative partners across the globe.
I’m extremely proud to occupy the role of Deputy Principal at QMU, a university increasingly recognised internationally for our high quality teaching and learning, as well as the world class status of our research.
Affiliations/Memberships to Other Organisations:
- Brunton Theatre in Musselburgh Board of Trustees, 2013 - present
- Edinburgh Filmhouse Board of Directors 2001 - 2009
- University Court (ex-officio member)
- University Senate (deputy convener)
- Research Strategy Committee (convener)
- Student Experience Committee, (deputy convener)
- International Strategy Board (convener)
- REF2021 Strategy Group (convener)
- Portfolio Development Group (convener)
- Development Steering Group (convener)
- Athena SWAN Steering Group (convener)
- South East Scotland Academic Partnership Steering Group (convener)
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Working Group (convener)
- Property Management Group
- Student Numbers and Tuition Fee Planning Group
- Universities Scotland Learning and Teaching Committee, 2016 - present
- Universities Scotland Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee, 2016 - present
- Newbattle Abbey College Board of Trustees, 2015 - present
- Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities Board, 2014 - present
- Universities Scotland International Committee, 2013 – present
- Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen, Screen Section Editor, 2012 - present
- Scottish Drama Training Network Board, 2012 – 2016
After some early work on the sponsored documentary and docudrama, my research increasingly focused on the adaptation of literature to television and film. I had, and maintain, a particular interest in questions of authorship and adaptation, the classic television serial, and the adaptation of Scottish literature.